History of Vets & Friends of Wisconsin, Inc
“Wisconsin’s Only Nonprofit Veterans Coffeehouse”
In October 2016, Vets & Friends of Wisconsin, Inc was founded by realizing that the Fox Valley did not have a place that veterans could meet in a social setting. We knew that simple comradeship has a therapeutic effect on veterans and it was our vision to provide a social center for area veterans. The social center would include a no charge coffeehouse and emergency Food Pantry to service Fox Valley veterans, family and friends. Changes have been made since then, please read on, thank you!
Vets & Friends of Wisconsin, Inc. was granted nonprofit federal status on February 24, 2017. The Board of Directors serves veterans and their families, while being accountable to the people we serve.
On March 1, 2023, we moved to 100 W. Capitol Drive in Appleton. We needed to expand to a much larger space to accommodate our growing needs, and to safely serve veterans in a welcoming, open, fun manner.
Vets & Friends has developed a strong partnership with St. Joe’s Food Pantry that provides over half of the food served at its weekly meals. Vets & Friends of Wisconsin, Inc. serves Brunch on Wednesdays from 10am-Noon; and Breakfast on Fridays from 8am-10am.